9.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Thursday Friday 9.30am to 2.00 pm Saturday & Sunday Closed
Phone 065 6868811
Email willie@whaccountants.com
Address: Unit 4 ,Walnut House, Turnpike Road, Ennis, Co. Clare
Alternatively please use our contact page Contact us
Business Startups
When somebody decides to start a new business it will most likely be the biggest Financial venture that they will have entered to date.
Prior to the new business start up these people may have been previously, employees, unemployed or graduates that have not been employed before.
Also, it may apply to a person who is already self employed but is venturing into another sector.
There is huge financial uncertainty involved in start ups.
Maybe, it’s the fear of the unknown.
We will meet with you.
We will encourage you and give you confidence to advance with the idea. Also, we may have to advise that arising from the Financial projections that it is not viable.
The meeting will be free of charge
We will help you to;
- Decide on the Business structure ie Limited Company, Sole Trader, Partnership
- Register the business with Revenue, Companies Registration Office
- Prepare a business plan to include Financial Projections
- Advise on most suitable accounting package
- We will “ Take over” the financial Running of the business ie We will deal with all Accounting, Bookkeeping and Company secretarial functions
- Establish relationships with Banks, Solicitors or others within our client base that can help you
- Source Grants
- Liase with County Enterprise Boards
A Business start up is like building a house.
If the foundation is not solid the house will fall down.
Similarly in the Business start up ,the advice , assistance and encouragement of the accountants will be an integral part of the well being of the business.
We want the Business start ups to succeed and will leave no stone unturned to ensure its viability into the future.
The Next Step
CONTACT US NOW : 065 6868811